Welcome to the Masifunde Project Wiki
Developing an online study skills course as a free resource for southern African students
The Masifunde project takes its name from a Xhosa expression which means "let us learn!"
The project was carried out by TSiBA Education (Cape Town, South Africa) and Oxford University Department for Continuing Education, and was funded under the English-African Partnerships programme managed by the British Council on behalf of the UK Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) now the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
Project News
- 05/12/07: We have just run our first project workshop, at TSiBA Education, South Africa. At the one-day workshop we focussed on the needs of TSiBA students in the area of study skills and discussed the existing Oxford University Continuing Education online study skills course, written by Brenda Thornton, which the Masifunde Project will adapt. Here is a brief report of the workshop.
- 14/02/08: Our end of project workshops occured: Monday 26 May 2008 for Internal TSiBA-Oxford workshop; THURSDAY 29 May 2008 for public launch and dissemination workshop at TSiBA, Cape Town
- 07/03/08: The first pilot run of the new course starts today at TSiBA with the first group of Foundation students.
- 14/07/08: We are presenting a paper on Masifunde at the Pan Commonwealth Forum PC5 in London. You can download the paper below.
- 26/10/10: Available as an OER for download and adaption.
Masifunde download
The Masifunde online study skills course is now an Open Educational Resource (OER) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial?-ShareAlike? 3.0 Unported License. More information
The Project Team was
TSiBA Education
- Leigh Meinart: Project Sponsor, TSiBA
- Morea Josias: Project Manager, TSiBA
- Adri Marais: Director, Academic Programmes
- Amanda Paulsen: author/editor
- Julie Mc Farlane: author/editor
- Beverley Basson: editor
- Taurai Mhokore: IT
- Other TSiBA staff, volunteers, consultants and students
Oxford University Department for Continuing Education
International & Public Programmes Divisions
- Angus Hawkins: Project Sponsor, Oxford
- Tristram Wyatt: Project Manager, Oxford
- Christine Jackson: lecturer in history and academic support
Technology-Assisted Lifelong Learning Unit
- Marion Manton: TALL coordination for Masifunde
- David Balch: Web developer
- Other TALL colleagues www.tall.ox.ac.uk
For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.
- Masifunde Initial Workshop- Report.doc (52.5 KB) - added by wyattt 9 years ago.
Masifunde conference paper31mar08-v2.doc
(246.5 KB) -
added by wyattt 8 years ago.
conference paper describing the project